“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me–the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” -Acts 20:24
Everyone has a different passion. Our hearts and desires are conjured and sewn with sinews unique to ourselves, chosen specially and carefully by God. In Jeremiah 29:11 God says, “I know the plans I have for you.” God has a plan for every single person, and so, he designs our hearts in a specific way, that we might yearn to follow something that we love. And, in turn, he will employ us as his hands; as vessels for his plans and wishes to make a difference in this world. Everyone has some passion that can be used for God. In my heart, there is a special enthusiasm for art.
If you have ever painted picture, taken a photograph, written a story or a sonnet or ventured at all into the realm of the arts, then you probably understand the phrase, “art comes from the soul.” When we create, we grasp non-material elements like ideas, feelings, and thoughts and bring them into reality regardless of what medium we use. So, you will see, that it isn’t about whether you use oil paints or watercolor; it is about what is inside of us. Before the Mona Lisa, there was a vision. Before Hamlet, there was an idea. Art sprouts in our hearts before it comes to the canvas or paper, so consider this: if art comes from within, then whatever is in us will produce its self when we draw, paint, write, and create.
Have you ever seen a dance performance that took your breath away? Or maybe you’ve visited a painting gallery and suddenly felt the need to sign up for art lessons. Art speaks to us very directly. Every art is powerful because it comes from the heart and connects to the heart. Artists can touch peoples’ lives; we might inspire, encourage, change someone’s mood, or even bring them to Christ. As Christian artists therefore, we must carefully observe what is in our hearts – for what is within us will be produced by us when we create. If you feel that God has called you to have a passion for art, listen. Listen to what God is saying to you, and take his message. Then, put it on paper and share the greatest Artist of all with the world.
I have a passion for art because it connects my heart with others’ hearts, my ideas to others’ minds, my God to those who do not know him. Art is powerful. So draw, paint, sculpt, speak, dance, write, create, even if you think you don’t know how to– and use it to change and impact the world for God’s glory.*
You only live once, so why not use your life to express something while you have it?
*This is an excerpt from an editoral I wrote for a student devotional a few years back.
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